Leading Edge Policy & Strategy
Thinking About the Future of Health Care and Health Information Technology Policy
Nandan Kenkeremath
Jack Potter, MD
Mary Kay Owens
Josh Rubin
Jack Potter, MD

Dr. Jack Potter is a consultant who can affiliate with Leading Edge and an advisor for Leading Edge. He is a practicing Emergency Medicine physician with a strong background in hospital administration as well as regional healthcare initiatives.  For the past 10 years, Dr. Potter has been the Chairman of Emergency Medicine at Winchester Medical Center and System Director of Emergency Medicine for Valley Health, a six hospital group located in both Virginia and West Virginia.   His managerial strengths are in team building, systems design, as well as facility design using current concepts.  Dr. Potter also has a strong background in EMS for Pre-hospital care, and he is a Regional Medical Director in Virginia EMS.  He has served on numerous state committees for both EMS as well as Hospital Association strategic planning including trauma care, disaster preparedness, and statewide protocol development.  He is the president and managing partner of Winchester Emergency Physicians, P.C .that provides emergency services for Valley Health.

Dr. Potter has expertise in Healthcare Information Technologies and a special interest in Emergency Communication Technology.  He serves on the Valley Health IT steering committee and is familiar with new and evolving systems architecture for E-Medicine at a local and regional level.  Dr. Potter is an experienced partner with IT working groups to develop and demonstrate innovative applications for healthcare.  Previous experience includes working on the Board for the COMCARE Alliance (a consortium of public safety and communication technology companies) developing policy for improved use of new technologies; and most recently, he has undertaken a demonstration project partnering with Dell and Intel companies that has earned him a nomination for the CMIO of the Year by Dell.

Dr. Potter is currently an independent contractor with the Federal Government.   He manages a joint venture with Valley Health to provide on-site medical care, EMS medical direction, and other consulting services for Department of Homeland Security in the Northern Shenandoah Valley as a demonstration of public /private partnership.

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